The Function of the Waiting in Socialization and Social Control Hossein Elahinejad1

Document Type : Original Article


1. Full professor, Research Center for Mahdism and Futurology, Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy, Qom, Iran.



The teaching of the waiting (for Imam Mahdi) is the most frequently used and practical teachings of Mahdism. The waiting has a unique and influential role in guiding and organizing the waiters and the waiting community. This influencing and irreplaceable role can be expressed in both personal and social aspects with two positive and negative approaches. In the positive approach, the issue of socialization is brought up and in the negative approach, the issue of social control is dealt with. Socialization means gaining insight and awareness of society's values and norms to institutionalize and implement them in society without external pressure and without using social control tools, but social control is the continuation of the socialization process. Socialization is considered as the voluntary and arbitrary conformity. When conformity does not occur, social control mechanisms are used to transmit and enforce social norms and expectations. In the contemporary era, with regard to the many problems that have plagued the people and the waiting community due to the western cultural invasion and created challenges for the society, to overcome these problems and challenges, it is necessary to use Mahdism and its teachings first, in promoting the Islamic lifestyle in the form
